Thank you for using the .nyc WHOIS Data Accuracy Compliance Tool. The following form will allow you to report inaccurate or incomplete WHOIS data within the .nyc TLD space.

All accredited Registrars are required to maintain accurate WHOIS information for all domain names they sponsor. They are obligated to obtain accurate contact information from registrant and provide this data to the Registry. In addition, they are required to investigate and correct any reported WHOIS inaccuracies.

If you need to update your own contact information you should contact your accredited Registrar or Reseller directly. A list of all accredited .nyc Registrars can be found here. If you do not know who your accredited Registrar or Reseller is, go to and perform a lookup on your domain name. The sponsoring registrar listed in the results is the official accredited registrar of your domain.

This reporting tool is designed to allow Internet users to report suspected inaccurate WHOIS information. Data collected through this tool will be submitted to the appropriate registrar for handling, investigation and correction as needed.

Please note that if you need to file both a WHOIS and Nexus complaint you must file two separate reports

Please begin the report process by entering the domain name of concern, along with your name and email address in the form below: